Casey Rhodes is a main protagonist of Power Rangers: Jungle Fury. He is Jungle Fury Red Ranger and the leader of the Jungle Fury Power Rangers.
After being at the Pai Zhua Academy for a week, he witnessedJarrod attack Master Mao, which resulted in the box that contained Dai Shi to fall open. After being sent to Ocean Bluff with Theo and Lily, Casey and the gang meet Robert James, the owner of the Jungle Karma Pizza. After witnessing RJ taking down the Rinshi, Casey, Theo, and Lily are given the Solar Morphers, which transform them into the Jungle Fury Power Rangers. Though his first attempt at morphing failed, seeing Franin trouble helped Casey morph into the Red Jungle Fury Ranger. Casey does not pass his Pai Zhuq master test, but later gains Master status after disobeying Master Mao and helping Jarrod break free of Dai Shi.
During the last episode, Casey was seen as an instructor at the Pai Zhua School, leaving the class to attend Dominic's going away party.
- "With the speed of a cheetah~Jungle Fury/Master Yellow Ranger!"Lily Chilman is the Yellow Jungle Fury Ranger and like Casey, is eighteen years old.She likes martial arts and was the captain of the Cheer Squad at her High School. She brought home gold by incorporating her street dance into the school performances. She may look like the stereotypical cheerleader, underneath she is tough as nails and not to be underestimated. Outgoing, confident and ready to try anything.She is very protective of Casey and thinks of him as a little brother. He's a new student at the Pai Zhua Academy and that is why Lily thinks of Casey as a little brother. She would even protect Casey should anything happen to him. Lily passes her master test and gets a Pai Zhua Master Tattoo.She also has a very close friendship with Theo and it was hinted several times that she had been crushing on him for quite some time. In the final episode, Theo finally finds the courage to ask her out to which Lily happily responds "What took you so long?""With the stealth of a jaguar~Jungle Fury Blue Ranger!"Theo Martin is a straight-laced, private school conformist who never wants to get into trouble or break the rules. Not a nerd, but he is smart, strong, and a good fighter, but sometimes gets frustrated by Lily's free spirit. Theo Martin has a twin brother named Luen Martin (this character was the second identical twin brother of a Power Ranger after that of Red Dino Thunder Ranger Conner who made a last minute cameo appearance at the finale of Ninja Storm) that enjoys going on adventures. It is revealed that he has secret feeling for Lily as he tries confessing them to her on a few occasions. It was also hinted that Lily might have been waiting for him to ask her out for a while. In the final episode, Lily and him finally get together and become a couple. Like his fellow Rangers, Theo also passes his master test and gets a Pai Zhuq Master Tattoo.
- "With the courage of a wolf~Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger"
Robert James, better known as RJ is the owner of the Jungle Karma Pizzeria and practices martial arts privately.After Master Mao's 'death' he is sent three new students, selected by Master Mao to counter the looming threat of Dai Shi. He possesses a certain advanced level of technological knowledge, enough to harness the Morphing Grid (with aid from connections) and develop arsenal for these students, who he promptly turns into Power Rangers. He also utilizes the Wolf Animal Spirit. When his father inquired about his Wolf Spirit, RJ responded that it's "who he is." This may suggest why RJ usually acts blissful and detached, as he could be considered a "lone wolf." Once, he sacrifices himself to be captured in place of the rangers. Dai Shi uses this time to attempt to steal the Wolf Spirit. He fails to take it but derails the spirit so badly that RJ experiences a period of time when he uncontrollably becomes his animal form. Later on Fran is able to help him keep it at bay and he decides to whip out a secret item he's been keeping, the Wolf Morpher, and becomes the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger.By the end of Jungle Fury, RJ joined the Jungle Fury Rangers in the final battle and following Dai Shi's destruction, returned to his normal life at Jungle Karma Pizza."With the power of a rhino~Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger!"Dominic Hargan is the Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger in Jungle Fury.
Before the beginning of the Jungle Fury series, Dominic was a former Pai Zhuq student who was sent away by Master Mao to find his path in life. After six years, he returns but is initially rejected by the other Rangers because the rangers think he isn't serious enough to become a ranger, due to Dom having played a friendly prank on the rangers earlier, and tends to never get anything right. That is, until he saves Fran with the refined techniques he developed in his travels, which causes him to gain trust from the other rangers. Dominic pilots the Rhino Steel Zordthat is the chariot for Jungle Pride Megazord and Jungle Master Megazord. Dominic is different than Casey, Lily, Theo, and RJ as he can not summon his Zord from his body. Dominic gets around this by using the Control Dagger and was selected to be a Ranger for his martial arts ability. Unlike the other Jungle Fury Rangers, Dominic does not become a Master.
Following the defeat of Dai Shi, Dominic was last seen going travelling and asking Fran to come along.

"With the spirit of an elephant~Jungle Fury Elephant Ranger!"
Shark Spirit Ranger, which traps Master Finn inside one of the Crystal Eyes. Flit salvages the eye after a Phantom Beast attempts to throw it in the sea and brings it to RJ. Soon after, all the masters are rescued and the Spirit Rangers they control fight alongside the Jungle Fury Rangers. The masters then let the rangers take control of the Spirit Rangers, which they summon into battle in pinch situations.
His Elephant fighting style is more evident than when the Yellow Ranger uses it. In addition to using the Jungle Mace, it is evident that the Elephant Ranger uses strong punches,stabs and kicks represnting an elephants trunk and tusks.He also uses raw strength able to shake the very ground he walks on,representing an elephant's sheer strength. His finishing move involves using the Jungle Mace to split the ground in half, coming towards and attacking the opponent.
"With the spirit of the bat~Jungle Fury Bat Ranger!"
The Bat Ranger is one of the Spirit Rangers created by the Phantom Beasts using Master Swoop's power. He appears in Jungle Master Mode and uses theJungle Fan. In his first appearance he battles the Jungle Fury Rangers.
The Bat Ranger transforms from the Bat Animal Spirit. It can be summoned being used by Master Swoop as a secondary body, or by being summoned by Blue Rangerinto battle.In his first appearance he battles the Jungle Fury Rangers with the other Spirit Rangers under the control of the Phantom Beasts. Later on RJ figures out how to jam the frequencies that connect the Masters to the Spirit Rangers and is able to dissipate the spirits. Later RJ modifies the claw cannon to hold the spirits of the Elephant, Bat and Shark Animal Spirits and uses it to cancel out the spirit of the Shark Spirit Ranger, which traps Master Finn inside one of the Crystal Eyes. Flit salvages the eye after a Phantom Beast attempts to throw it in the sea and brings it to RJ. Soon after, all the masters are rescued and the Spirit Rangers they control fight alongside the Jungle Fury Rangers. The masters then let the rangers take control of the Spirit Rangers, which they summon into battle in pinch situations.
His Bat fighting style is more evident than when the Blue Ranger uses it. In addition to using the Jungle Fan, it is evident that the Bat Ranger uses gliding and flight techniques to evade or rush to his opponent. His finishing move is identical to the Jungle Pride Megazord with Bat Power in that he performs slicing motions in an X-like pattern mid-flight.

"With the spirit of the shark~Jungle Fury Shark Ranger!"
The Shark Ranger transforms from the Shark Animal Spirit. It can be summoned being used by Master Finn as a secondary body, or by being summoned by Red Ranger into battle.
The Shark Ranger is one of the Spirit Rangers created by thePhantom Beasts using Master Finn's power. He appears inJungle Master Mode and uses the Shark Sabers.
In his first appearance he battles the Jungle Fury Rangers with the other Spirit Rangers under the control of the Phantom Beasts. Later on Robert James figures out how to jam the frequencies that connect the Masters to the Spirit Rangers and is able to dissipate the spirits. Later RJ modifies the claw cannon to hold the spirits of the Elephant, Bat and Shark Animal Spirits and uses it to cancel out the spirit of the Shark Spirit Ranger, which traps Master Finn inside one of the Crystal Eyes. Flit salvages the eye after a Phantom Beast attempts to throw it in the sea and brings it to RJ. Soon after, all the masters are rescued and the Spirit Rangers they control fight alongside the Jungle Fury Rangers. The masters then let the rangers take control of the Spirit Rangers, which they summon into battle in pinch situations.
His Shark fighting style is more evident than when the Red Ranger uses it. In addition to using the Shark Sabers, it is evident that the Shark Ranger uses graceful 'swimming' movements and shark-styled jabbing actions. His finishing moves involve him surfing through water and using its velocity to charge at the opponent with Shark Sabers.
"With the spirit of the mighty lion!"
Jarrod was the host of Dai Shi
Jarrod was to be one of the three guardians of the chest holding the evil known as Dai Shi. But, when he showed himself to be uncaring to others and selfish, he was expelled, and Casey was given his place. However, when the enraged Jarrod attacked Master Mao with his Black Lion Animal Spirit, the chest was opened and Dai Shi was released. As he was making his way through the forest, Dai Shi caught up with him and possessed him. Currently, Dai Shi is using his body and his animal spirit as well.
Dai Shi leaves Jarrod's body and Jarrod joins the rangers. He is last seen as a student at the academy with Camille and shows the rest the lion technique.
"With the cunning of a chameleon!"
"Phantom Beast General Camille, with the Spirit of the Phoenix!"
"Phantom Beast General Camille, with the Spirit of the Phoenix!"
Camille is Dai Shi's servant, an ill-tempered user of the Chameleon spirit, which gives her the ability to camouflage into her backgrounds and use her tongue as a weapon in battle. She can also change into a Chameleon-like warrior for her battle mode, using a pair of sai as her weapons of choice. She remained quietly inside a wall of his palace for 10,000 years until Dai Shi returned in Jarrod's body, resuming her role as his second in command. She serves Dai Shi out of devoted passion, proving herself by perfecting her abilities by withstanding the Claw Cannon and absorbing a bit of its energy before saving her master from Naja, slicing off his Life Talons for Dai Shi to use in his search for the Overlords. Her other various abilities include boosting the power of the Rinshi Beasts.
It is hinted that she may have feelings for Dai Shi/Jarrod as she commented that she found Dai Shi's new body to be attractive and she strives to gain his favor. She was also displeased at Dai Shi's change of personality after Carnisoar's training, deciding to resurrect Jellica to accomplish that. She also openly comments that she cares for him to Lily while she was in disguise. Despite his cold treatment of her, Jarrod may carry the same feelings for her as he saved her twice from Jellica's wrath, though the second time he said it was because she was still of use. She spares Lily's life when given the opportunity to destroy her, showing Camille has good inside of her that she is withholding.
Camille is followed, and annoyed by, the tiny fly, Flit. She once fought him as a human and cursed him by changing him into his current form and then swallowed him. As a part of the curse, Flit must stay in Camille's stomach or die. While she normally shows him aggression, she has shown a softer side to him meaning she may care about him. Camille had successfully stolen the Control Dagger from Dominic to give to Jarrod. When at the Rhino Nexus, she was attacked by Sand Snakes only to be saved by Dai Shi.
Camille later informed Jarrod/Dai Shi that Dr. Silvia Jennings has five of the Crystal Eyes when the time of the revival draws near. She infiltrated the Research Center and obtained the 5 Crystal Eyes only to fight Casey. The Rinshi that seized Dr. Jennings served as a diversion for Camille to get away with the Crystal Eyes and present them to Jarrod/Dai Shi. Following the destruction of Unidoom, Camille concludes that she needs Rinzin Power and tries to convince some of the Phantom Beast Warriors to give her some, but they act like she is joking and refuse.
Camille appeared as a hostess on the TV game show "Blow That Dough" in a plot to get the Rangers cancelled. This was thwarted when RJ sent Casey's morpher through the TV.
Once Dai Shi becomes the Phantom Beast King, he makes Camille into a Phantom Beast General and gives her Rinzin Power. With her suggestion, she receives the spirit of the Phoenix. She would later be referred to, in this new form, by Scorch and Snapper, as Camille Phoenix. She fought with a spiritless Casey and a Rinzin deprived Whiger when they arrived to free the other Rangers, bested by the combined efforts of the two Tiger Spirits.
She stole a cloning formula from a scientist named Maryl Snyder and used it on Grinder. Afterwards, Camille begins to become targeted by Scorch as she is unknowingly helping Jarrod regain control over himself due to the fact that it is really Jarrod that has feelings for her, rather than Dai Shi. When Jarrod was being attacked by Dai Shi after separating (because he makes the decision to refrain from destroying Casey), Camille ran in to protect Jarrod, losing her Rinzin powers and immortality in the process. Soon after, she helps the rangers in battling Scorch and destroying Snapper. Then, she helps in the fight against Dai Shi, saving the rangers' lives and proving that she strongly cares for the human Jarrod. After Dai Shi was destroyed, Camille is last seen being a new student alongside Jarrod in the Pai Zhua Academy, with Casey as the main instructor.
"Phantom Beast General Whiger, with the Spirit of the White Tiger!"
Whiger was a Phantom Beast General that possessed the spirit of the White Tiger. He possesses Rinzin power. Along with Snapper, Scorch, and five other Phantom Beasts they had attempted to overthrow Dai Shi during the beast war. The resulting feud had caused the attack on the humans to stand on weak ground. With the finding of the Crystal Eyes in which the Generals were contained they resolved to ally completely with Dai Shi, plotting to make him Phantom Beast King and eliminate his humanity, ensuring the success of the Final Beast Wars.
After the Spirit Rangers defected to the Rangers, Dai Shi noticed that Whiger had a Tiger spirit and planned the Phantom General's next test of loyalty. After a scuffle with RJ, Whiger succeeded when he took part of Casey's Animal Spirit making him very powerful. Whiger proves his victory to Jarrod/Dai Shi by sparring with him (thus allowing Dai Shi to accept the Generals). Whiger called a fight with Casey, but ended up fighting RJ, Theo, Lily, and Dominic until Jarrod/Dai Shi, Camille, and the other Phantom Beast Generals arrive and easily defeat the Rangers. Whiger attacked the city and Casey ran into him. Casey tried to transform without his Tiger Spirit and ended up fighting the other Rangers. Casey finally transforms and joins the fight. With the help of Jimmy, the Rangers charged up the Claw Cannon to use on Whiger. Whiger grows and fights the Wolf Pride Megazord, the Rhino Pride Megazord, and Jungle Master Megazord, losing to them when they form the Jungle Master Stampede.
Dai Shi didn't take the news of Whiger's defeat lightly. He stripped Whiger of his Rinzin, title, and rank before banishing Whiger from the temple. Whiger tried to kill Casey, for robbing him of his honor only to be saved by the human when he fell off a cliff. Deciding to return his kindness, Whiger lead Casey to where Rammer and Badrat were holding everyone captive, including the other rangers. While battling Camille, Whiger gave Casey back his tiger spirit and the two performed a double attack on Camille (with Whiger manifesting a white version of Casey's Tiger Spirit), forcing her to leave in defeat. However, the fight depleted the last of Whiger's Rinzin, causing him to fade away forever from existence but not from Casey's memory.